Full Porcelain Crowns

Full porcelain crowns offer aesthetics and durability together. Oral and dental health is an important element that directly affects the quality of life. As Ova Dental Oral and Dental Health Clinic, we aim to offer the highest quality to our patients by using the latest technological developments and scientific methods in dental treatments. In this direction, "Full Porcelain Crown" treatment stands out as an ideal option for our patients looking for aesthetics and durability.

What is a Full Porcelain Crown?

Full porcelain crowns are completely ceramic material coatings that perfectly mimic the appearance of natural teeth. Unlike traditional metal-supported porcelain crowns, full porcelain crowns provide a more natural aesthetic because they do not contain metal. They reflect the color and light transmittance of the tooth exactly, allowing excellent results to be achieved especially in the front teeth.

What are the advantages of a full porcelain crown?

  • Aesthetic Superiority with Full Porcelain Crowns

Full porcelain crowns mimic the light transmittance of natural teeth, providing a much more aesthetic appearance. Since they do not contain metal, they do not cause darkening problems that may occur in the gums over time.

  • Natural Look with Full Porcelain Crown

Obtaining a result that is very close to natural teeth in terms of color and transparency provides a great advantage, especially in terms of smile aesthetics.

  • Full Porcelain Crowns Offer Durability

With technological advances, porcelain crowns have become quite durable. With proper care, they will protect your teeth for many years.

  • No Risk of Metal Allergy in Full Porcelain Crowns

Since it does not contain metal, it is a safe treatment option for patients at risk of allergies.

Treatment Process of Full Porcelain Crowns

In full porcelain crown treatment, as Ova Dental Oral and Dental Health Clinic, we first perform a comprehensive examination to best understand the needs and expectations of our patients.

The treatment process begins with taking measurements appropriate to the patient’s oral structure. Then, personalized porcelain crowns prepared by our dentists are meticulously produced in a laboratory environment using digital design techniques. Finally, these crowns are bonded to the tooth in a way that matches the natural teeth.

Why Private Ova Dental?

As Ova Dental Oral and Dental Health Clinic, we adopt innovative and evidence-based approaches in treatments. With our modern infrastructure equipped with advanced technology and our experienced expert staff, we aim to provide our patients with the most effective and comfortable treatment process. While offering sensitive aesthetic solutions such as full porcelain crown treatment, we always prioritize the health and satisfaction of our patients.

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553 666 06 76
216 504 06 76

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    We are honored to present our physicians’ long-standing experience to our valued patients in our clinic designed with a spacious concept principle.

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